Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Mama

Happy Birthday Mom! I hope you have a great day and are not running around with a bazillion things to do like always. If I were you, I'd get a mani pedi, maybe a facial and massage, drink some wine..wait it's your Birthday..make it some expensive scotch, have Dad take you to a delicious feast of a dinner and then watch a ton of movies while cuddling with Belle. And if you don't get to do all that stuff, we'll do it for your Birthday next year. Promise. Unfortunately, you already got you Birthday package, far too early for my taste! Better safe than sorry. But, Sally, Smile, Brad, Alice and Ryan wanted to say happy Birthday too.

Love you.

I did the outline and Sally girl did the coloring for you. 

The sign says, "Love, Lia Teacher, Brad, Sally, Smile, Alice and Ryan. But who was I kidding thinking he'd hold it still? :)

P.S. Would you have ever thought you'd have little Korean kids singing you happy Birthday from across the world?!


  1. Wow that was the best birthday present ever.
    Today I got up very early to attenda social media thing then prepped for a dining & wine tasting I am working tonight. No celebrating today. Maybe I will have a scotch when I get home. Will have to wait until Friday night for the dinner. I would love to do all of those things you suggested but alas they probably won't happen anytime soon. Please tell the kids I said thank you. They sang the English version better than the Korean version. They must have an awesome teacher. I wish I could thank them in person but that will have to wait. Maybe you can skype when you are at school so I can thank them. Thanks again, it was the best present. Love, Ma

  2. what a wonderful present. AM you have such a wonderful and giving family. You are so loved and cherished. Happy to you!!! Hugs, Suzanne
